Peter Lorimer Podcast

Kill Vanilla / Pete Lorimer - The Creative Entrepreneur Podcast



You can always count on this: things change. There's nothing to fear. We are no longer at the mercy of traditional ways to get our business discovered. Outbound engagement is your tool for staying on top. It's no secret that I prefer video, but there are plenty of other formats to get yourself in front of your tribe. If you don't love being in front of the camera, get behind it. Create vlogs and documentaries that give your audience a 360-degree view of who you are. Love to write? Don't forget blogs. Love to talk? Maybe podcasts are your thing. Either way, you have to start showing people who you are, because commonalities create connections (read: running towards your tribe). Vanilla is pervasive, especially in corporate industries. That's okay, though. That means we can stand out; more business for us. Don't have the numbers you want? Grind. Get up early and work late. And rest in this... it'll all change soon.     Golden Nuggets From This Episode:     [03:33] “proactive agents or proactive bus