Peter Lorimer Podcast

Podcast - 2021 Motivation / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and welcome to the Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, former hit record producer, now the host of the show Stay Here on Netflix, and Owner/Founding Partner of Corcoran Global Living. Here are some of my top techniques to get us going in this most complicated of years 2021. We must have a motivation roadmap. Otherwise, it is just a whole gang load of “shoulds.” Adopt the MUST mindset for 30 days and see what happens. Divorce yourself from expectation, stay in action, and our actions for the next 30 days is to complete these tasks. Take a listen and get motivated!   Golden Nuggets from this episode:   [01:53] "People are feeling a little stifled, maybe a little reserved and just, kinda the gumption, they get up and go, he's feeling a little bit tapped. " [02:55] "In a normal year when we're around people, we get that kind of slap on the back, we get that camaraderie and we get that, you know, add a boy and a girl from some of our colleagues that we see." [05:48] "Wha