Peter Lorimer Podcast

Should You Go To College? / Peter Lorimer - The Real Estate Entrepreneur Podcast



Greetings and Welcome to the Real EstateEntrepreneur Podcast; I am your host Peter Lorimer, Partner/VP of CorcoranGlobal Living and master motivator. I was asked, “Should you go to college?” by a young man who has a headful of ideas and a heartful of dreams. He wants to take that risk and “Go for it!” College or no college, we’ve all experienced those life-changing decisions of what we should do vs. what we desire to do. No matter what stage you are in life, you never want to regret not taking that leap.   Golden Nuggets from this episode:   [02:30] "I tend to come from the school of, be an entrepreneur, go for it." [02:44] "Life for me is about experimentation. It's about risk-taking, it's not about doing the same as what my parents did." [03:41] "Orthodox qualifications for this entrepreneur never really felt like my path."   Thanks for being here, PL