Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

013: Lyn Delmastro Thomson "Bodytalk" - What it really means to be healthy and live your best life.



This episode is filled with mastery and advocacy for not only your health but living your BEST life. Not to be missed! SO many nuggets and Lyn has a powerful story to share with all of you! Make sure to visit her website for her upcoming free webinar as well as her free gifts and for sure grab a copy of her book! Lyn Delmastro-Thomson is a Certified BodyTalk Practitioner, speaker, and author of You Are Not Your Diagnosis. She holds a master’s degree in somatic psychology and has completed additional specialized training in biofeedback, therapeutic yoga, and Reiki. As someone who herself was mis-diagnosed with leukemia at the age of 25, Lyn is passionate about sharing with the world her message that just because a doctor has said an illness is "chronic" or "incurable," doesn't mean that it has to be a life-sentence and that Western Medicine isn't the only approach to healing. Through her one-on-one work with clients over the past eight years, Lyn has helped hundreds of women to reclaim their lives and th