Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

014: Katie Kozlowski "Master Energy Coach" - Get your SHakti ON!



I loved talking with Katie and her modern world approach to living as a healer and mystical woman! From Brittney Spears "Oops I did it again" mentality to owning her power when she was hit by a will leave this episode feeling inspired and enlightened to be in your Shakti power! Woohoo! Katie Kozlowski is a master energy coach and spiritual trainer who helps women reconnect with themselves to embody strength, wisdom and success. After beginning her career as an actress and singer, her life took a turn when she was hit by a taxi in New York and changed direction towards healing, spirituality and ancient wisdom. She has spent the last 8 years studying with master teachers, honing her craft and has helped over 100 women heal and recover from chronic illness, addictions, abuse and trauma by mixing her own life experience with cutting-edge consciousness, relatable lessons, and simple steps. She has been published in Elephant Journal, is a featured writer for SoulSpring, and recently published the bo