Love Your Life With Jessica Valor

029 - Ron Reardon - Conscious Parenting



Ron Reardon is a Parenting Mentor and Guide and the Founder of Fully Invested Parents. His signature program is Parenting Promise Path where he helps parents raise a child that is fully equipped to thrive in the future internally and externally. Ron was abandoned at age three and raised in a dysfunctional home where he never felt loved which led him to commit to being a loving and present parent with his twin boys. He has a background in physics and math, is an intuitive and master manifestor. He shares the spiritual awakening with an angel that led him to answer his calling to mentor parents. His work is needed in every household for the wave of the future are our children and his strategic approach combining logic with LOVE helps parents navigate so kids end up on paradise island. His methodology for parenting economics ROI (Ripple of Impact), WOI (window of influence), COI (cost of inaction) is dynamic and raising consciousness at the home front where it is needed most. Tune in to Ron’s powerful story and