Sns Online

SNS Online Series 3 - Zarghuna Kargar



“Afghan women are no longer silent. They are a force for progress. From now on, if we have sons, we will teach them to stand up for girls, and if we have daughters, we will make sure they know their value and remember the struggles of the women before them. Our struggle continues but our hope will not fade.” *SNS Online spends an hour in conversation with BBC Afghan journalist and author, Zarghuna Kargar, to talk about the day-to-day struggles faced by women in Afghanistan, the traditions and rituals of Afghan people, and life beyond the Taliban. Illustrated with archive material. Abridged extracts from ‘Dear Zari – Hidden Stories from Women in Afghanistan’ read by Marion Marshall. ‘Dear Zari – Hidden Stories from Women in Afghanistan’ can be purchased here… 'This Woman's work' © Kate Bush/EMI 1988 from the album 'The Sensual World'. 'Molla Mammad Jan' by F