House Call With Dr. Hyman

4 Big Fat Food Lies that Make You Fat and Sick



Since the release of my book Eat Fat, Get Thin, I’ve noticed fierce debates on social media and other news sources about things like calorie counting, eating vs. avoiding fat and genetics. When it comes to overall health and weight loss, there’s an excess of advice out there. Unfortunately, most of it is terrible, misguided, outdated and scientifically disproven. This ubiquitously poor advice can create weight loss roadblocks and even damage your health. Here are four prevalent misguided myths that drive me nuts. Myth #1 – All Calories are Created Equal Myth #2 – Your Genetics Define You and Your Health Myth #3 – You Can Out-Exercise a Bad Diet Myth #4 – Fat Makes You Fat I’ve created a plan to reset your body and move toward your best self that incorporates movement, supplementation and above all, food and dietary fats . The Eat Fat, Get Thin program is a 21-day plan designed to support weight loss, maximize energy and mental clarity and kick start your health. Thousands of people all over the world ha