Victim To Victor With Victor Pacini




Get the Mp3/transcript here Much of our present life can feel overtaken over by our past. When we think about it, why wouldn’t it? Past pain and traumas can rear their ugly heads at any moment, with seemingly no warning. A trigger during the holiday season, second guessing someone else’s goodwill as possible grooming, or even maintaining hyper-vigilance long after the danger in our lives is gone, is nothing short of suffocation. We understand why feeling “stuck” in the wake of trauma can feel like drowning. We also know that choosing to kick and claw to the surface and making choices can alter the present as we know it. -------------------- Get Your Free Copy Of Victor Pacini's Book, The Erin's Law Solution: The Safe Way To Teach Sexual Abuse Awareness to Students that Gives Social Workers, Teachers, and Parents Peace of Mind. ---------------- M