Mega Late Show

MLS Liquid Wards (Meguro-ku): Wailing Winter Winds



LATE's another Liquid Wards mix for ya'll! From now on these will be sub-focused on a different ward of Tokyo each release; there's more details in the episode. The mix is influenced by the Wu/RZA sound. Not necessarily always affiliated, but maybe you can feel in the inklings of influence. Peep our Mixcloud for the track listing: And, sorry, due to the nature of the recordings the quality will vary, but I hope ya'll enjoy. II's Q?: Who's Your Favorite Member of the Wu-Tang Clan? Check out our upcoming shows on the calendar. Something interesting every week. Hit us up with your upcoming shows and anything dope going on that we might have missed. The Weather Forecast calendar is 乇乂ㄒ尺卂_ㄒ卄丨匚匚 . Keep up with all of the shows, events, and culture happenings going on around. We are down to share and help promote your shows so hit us up!! →→→ Also be sure to support MEGA LATE SHOW by going to Cal Combs dot com to check out Cals music and merch. Get 25% off