Bruegel Event Recordings

Europe’s growth champion: will Poland’s success continue? - 31 January



There has recently been much discussion as to whether Poland’s unprecedented economic success after 1989 will continue. Are Polish institutions strong enough to support further fast convergence with the West? Are economic policies appropriate? What is the role of the European Union? The lecture presented the key messages from a book on Poland Marcin Piatkowski is writing for Oxford University Press. The book (i) analyzes the sources of Poland’s and Eastern European historical backwardness, (ii) explains the drivers of Poland’s unprecedented economic success during the last 25 years, when it moved from being poor to rich within the life of just one generation, and (iii) proposes a new growth model for Poland and Eastern Europe to help them fully catch up with the West for the first time ever. The book also (iv) shares the lessons learned and insights from Poland’s experience for other countries in Europe and beyond. Finally, (v) it discusses possible scenarios for the country’s future development.