Bruegel Event Recordings

Fintech and the digital transformation of banking - 20 June 2017



We are currently going through one of the biggest transformations in financial history. New technologies enable new forms of financial transactions that have a big impact on the whole financial sector. At this event we discussed how FinTech disrupts the financial sector and assessed the proposed regulatory measures as well as their potential impact on the financial industry. Specific topics and questions addressed were: -How has Fintech affected the design and delivery of financial services? -What are the associated concerns and how should they be addressed under an EU-wide framework? -How do FinTech developments contribute to the competitiveness of the European economy? -What are the associated challenges for banks? -What policy measures should we adopt in order to protect and provide a secure environment for the growth of FinTech start-ups? -What are the most effective and efficient online payment rules? -How can we achieve digital interoperability in the financial sector? -What will be the impact of Brexi