Hope & Wellness 's Podcast

74 - Thanksgiving 2016- Celebrating History, Family, and Health



The history of the first Thanksgiving highlights the generosity and hospitality of Native Americans who shared fish, fowl, cranberries, corn and venison with the Pilgrims. Their example should be a lesson for us all in grace ,compassion, and service to others. After this election cycle ,however, more than the turkey may become heated at the Thanksgiving table. Hosting friends and family for Thanksgiving can be stressful, but we share some tips to keep your the food hot and conversations cool. Introducing new plant- based dishes to the Thanksgiving meal, especially vegetarian ones, can increase fiber intake and decrease the intake of rich and calorie dense side dishes such as macaroni and cheese and candied yams. While this holiday begins a season of celebration, for many, it is a reminder of the absence of loved ones at the dinner table. Adequate sleep, physical activity, and moderation at the dinner table can help all of us enjoy this special time with family and friends.