Sydney Ideas

What is happiness



A philosopher, an improv comedian, a psychologist and an economist walk into a Sydney Ideas webinar... to discuss happiness. Can we find ways to be happier than we were before, while in the face of ongoing uncertainty and a global pandemic? Happiness. There are entire industries dedicated to helping us find it. Endless social media advice, self-help books and gurus promising health, wealth and happiness if only you do that one thing. But it can be hard to feel happy in the face of a pandemic – extended lockdowns, the chaos and uncertainty of working from home, of home-schooling, or simply feeling like everything is just relentless. What are we really chasing, and why? What is the difference between being happy with your life compared to being happy in your life Featuring: – Rebecca De Unamuno, award-winning improviser and comedian – Dan Nahum, economist with the Australia Institute’s Centre for Future Work – Dr Tim Sharp, Australia's very own 'Dr Happy', at the forefront of the positive psychology movem