Washington Research Council

Policy Today: Gov. Inslee's Budget Proposal



This week Gov. Jay Inslee proposed a state operating budget for 2017-19. It would increase spending by $8.2 billion over the previous biennium - including $3.9 billion more for K-12 education - and raise taxes by $4.4 billion. His tax proposal includes a new capital gains tax. We delve into the details in this podcast. You can read our quick analysis of his budget proposal here: http://researchcouncil.org/2016/12/14/gov-inslee%E2%80%99s-proposed-budget-would-increase-spending-by-82-billion Our quick analysis of his education funding proposal is here: http://researchcouncil.org/2016/12/13/gov-inslee%E2%80%99s-education-proposal-would-increase-spending-by-39-billion-and-add-44-billion-in-new-taxes Our February 2015 Policy Brief on Gov. Inslee's previous capital gains tax proposal is here: https://researchcouncil.files.wordpress.com/2015/02/insleecapitalgainstaxfinal.pdf