Ruby Facets



Guilds at RubyConf 2016 Koichi Sasada recently presented a brand new talk at RubyConf a few more details about Guilds, his proposal for concurrent AND parallel programming in Ruby 3. He repeated the motivations behind Guilds, which are that Threaded programming is very difficult in Ruby, that there should be an easier way to make correct concurrent programs, and even more interestingly that it should possible to run these concurrent programs in parallel which is currently impossible with Ruby Threads, leaving multiple CPU cores on server underused. It's somewhat revealing that Koichi walked on stage with a black t-shirt adorned with "Kill Threads!" written on it. While that glimpses at his feelings on the matter, he did reiterate that Guilds is still simply a proposal for Ruby 3 whose name could change. So nothing is written in stone, and he's encouraging discussion on the topic. Koichi expanded a bit on the struggles that Guilds will face in order to be implemented: like Ruby global data, object in