Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 6: The Skinny on Success From a Man Redefining Fitness



These tips for success stream from Glassey’s conversation with Gabe Arnold of Business Marketing Engine. P.J. Glassey turns his obsession with brain, nutrition and exercise science research into a business which earns a profit and benefits his clients. With X Gym locations in West Seattle and Kirkland, Washington, Glassey’s innovative X Gym 21 Minute Workout Program continues to rack up fitness and financial success. As a gym founder, author of Cracking Your Calorie Code, and producer of Real Results in 20 Minutes Twice a Week, Glassey’s work also branches into nutrition and brain training. Helping clients move past hurdles in both fitness and nutrition remains a passion of his work and remnant of his initial interest in psychology.    Checking out the X Gym website and following Glassey on Facebook or Twitter may lead one to think he has all the answers for success. However, this once-skinny teen found his passion through personal fitness and developed his business via the lessons that entrepreneurship teac