

EPISODE #19: TOP 10 THINGS I WISH I COULD SAY AND DO ON A WEDDING DAY PART 2 Today's quote: The portraits are more than a “point and shoot” moment. Family photo headaches are common on the wedding day. What I wish the waiter staff could understand. What are you going to do to take action on these tips? Outline of this episode: [00:44] Introduction to this episode. [01:40] What I’ve been going through in the past few months and how it’s impacted my business. [07:03] How this podcast started and what I’m doing to fulfill that now. [09:40] Quick summary of part 1 of this topic. [10:24] A reminder about why I’m talking about what I wish I could say on the wedding day. [14:23] I wish I could explain that the portraits are not the hard part, there’s so much more. [18:43] Time is something I wish I could create (for more portrait shooting). [23:50] I’d love to be able to arrange the “first look” with the right setting and timing. [27:08] Why can’t I have a bit more control over the extended family photo process? [40