Rumi Forum Podcast

Getting Closer to God: Jewish and Muslim Perspectives on Mysticism



On January 27, 2019, Rumi Forum and The Jewish-Islamic Dialogue Society of Washington (JIDS) held a joint event on mysticism at ISWA. Mysticism plays an important role in the spirituality of both Judaism and Islam. It is central to developing our relationship with God and in inspiring us to serve humankind. In this session, we’ll consider both the Jewish and Muslim mystical traditions first by hearing from devoted practitioners and then by engaging in small-group discussions. Panelists: Gabriel Abasi is a lifelong Sufi who has graced the DC-area interfaith community over the years with a devotion to selfless service and a commitment to mysticism.This devotion to service recently inspired him to work on an exciting concept called “The Culture of Compassion,” which includes creative use of blogs, social media and other forms of technology to heal the planet. Herb Levy is an experienced teacher of Kabbalah classes at multiple D.C.-area venues and a lay leader of Kol Ami, a N. VA. Reconstructionist Jewish Commun