Second Half Comeback With Dg Gregory

14 How to Finish Strong and Make This the Year That Changed Everything



Welcome Back to Second Half Comeback and the much belated Episode 14! In this solo episode I take some time to explain why It's been a couple weeks since my last episode.  More importantly I talk about the big plans I have for you and the show for the rest of the year. I spend the first part of the show doing my best to be honest about some personal challenges and transparent about some struggles with the direction, purpose and growth of the show. I caught myself falling into a negative mindset where I was giving up on this year already and starting to think about next year! "Next year I'm really going to get my shit together. Next year I'm going to buckle down and give this podcast everything I've got….." Ridiculous! Thankfully I caught myself! I realized there was still 100 days left in the year. Essentially, we were just getting ready to enter the fourth quarter. It's not time to quit on this year. It's time to adopt a "fourth quarter mentality" and finish strong! I spend the rest of this brief episode tal