Stories Of A Sparrow

Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 3



Life Giving Friendships:   This episode is near and dear to our hearts due to the friendships with each other that has come from this podcast. The number one thing in starting or finding a friendship is creating the space for it to happen. Don’t get caught up in the lie that someone already has a friend so they do not need you as a friend. Life giving friendships should change you for the better, their presence in your life changes you, they give you confidence and receive your vulnerability with openness and reciprocation. Life giving friends are the ones who know what you deal with and are that voice of truth and reason to guide you to a better place. They pour truth and scripture into your life, they help change the negativity in your life into something positive. Don’t be scared to BE the life giving friend to other people, be bold, reach out send that text, ask to get coffee (or tea). :) Friendships take work, don’t be afraid to have the tough conversations and put in the work to show that their friendsh