Stories Of A Sparrow

Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 4



How to Share Your Story:   In this episode we explain what we are talking about when we say, “share your story”. We explain what it means to us, our hearts behind it. During the episode we give practical tips on how to discover your stories and ideas on how to share them with others. We each share a significant story about our experiences or past struggles and how we shared them or continue to share them and what came from us opening up and being vulnerable. It’s important to not compare your story to someone else’s, it doesn’t matter big or small, God can use it. So often we listen to the lies of, “my story doesn’t matter, or it’s not big enough or important, no one can relate to it.” Or we let the fear that we will be judged keep us quiet. But it is important to get out of our own way because we don’t know the impact sharing can have on someone else or the healing that can take place. Practical ways we challenged you to know your story was writing it out and praying over it, many times we don’t realize wher