Stories Of A Sparrow

Stories of a Sparrow: Episode 10



Let's talk baby:  In this Episode we try to break the silence a little and have a conversation about sex that a lot of people aren't having but maybe should be. We talk about some of the things we have struggled with individually such as sexpectations, negative feelings towards sex, self confidence and not loving the way our bodies look, hurt carried from before marriage, battles of the mind, feeling like a 'Velcro Mom'. We talk about the importance of  communicating with your spouse about sex about any struggles you are having concerning sex but to also share your likes and dislikes, God made us all different and we need to be able to tell our husbands what is going on in our heads when it comes to sex, they want to know! The three of us grew up in similar environments where sex wasn't really talked about except to tell us not to do it, and where there is some truth and well meaning behind that approach, there was also a lack of explaining the gift it is from God to a husband and a wife and how i