Do The Work

School Days | 029



In this episode of Do the Work, Carla addresses how parenting is hard, and judgemental; People are always shaming other parents. The pressure of the perfect first day social media post, kids perfectly dressed standing in front of a chalkboard announcing the excitement of the day. The reality; juggling the house, job, school shopping,doctors appointments, figuring out the scheduling challenges;the hustle getting ready for school. Don't judge a parent that works thinking they are only in 50%, thinking you are better because you stay home and have it all going on. Don’t assume that because there are 2 parents in the home, the parent running around has a partner, and helper. Doesn't make either parent bad, we are all just facing challenges parents do; but tend to always fall on one parent, whether they work or not. That working parent is already dealing with the guilt of having a career; they don't need the struggle of your judgement. Parenting is hard, but it's worth it; don’t be ashamed of your reality. _______