Do The Work

Never Apologize for Being Powerful | 034



In this episode of Do the Work, Carla would like to dedicate this Podcast to her Daughters. She has created a lot of content for her daughters their whole lives, by her actions. Never apologize for being a powerful woman, never submit to a man; speak for other women and be their backbones. There are thousands of men who try to keep her down and the number of women who fucking hate her; double that, and that's how many people love Carla. There are a lot of people who will not like you, but keep creating; they aren't ready for you, just like they weren't ready for Carla. When you doubt and question yourself read everything that was said about your Mom and what she rose above. Don't fear change, because change is beautiful. Go out there and lead and follow the example. This message is for every woman; what are you leaving behind for your daughters and other women? Stop believing you need a man to create, be a voice in this world and go up against the man; this is not his world. Let your fire explode! ___________