Educators Lead With Jay Willis

45: Justin Baeder | Developing The Right Personal Habits Will Help You Consistently "Bring Your 'A' Game" As A Leader



Justin Baeder spent the first 10 years of his career as a teacher and principal in the Seattle Public Schools and in 2012, transitioned into a new role to become the Director of The Principal Center, where he now helps school leaders build capacity for instructional leadership in their organizations. His online program “The Instructional Leadership Challenge” has helped more than 5,000 school leaders in 50 countries make a habit of getting into classrooms and providing evidence-rich feedback for professional learning. Visit to learn more about Justin or find him on Twitter @eduleadership   About EducatorsLead: Educators Lead is a podcast created to help launch educators into the next level of leadership. This show is for you if you are interested in educational leadership as an assistant principal, principal, superintendent, teacher or someone who hopes to be a school leader one day. Educators Lead offers inspiration and practical advice to help you lead more effectively. J