Educators Lead With Jay Willis

136: Tim Elmore | When Students Take Ownership Of Their Own Learning, They Are Incentivized To Be Creative | Marching Off The Map: How To Teach And Lead Generation Z | Navigating Cross-Generational Leadership | Habitudes: Leadership Habits And Attitudes



Dr. Tim Elmore is the President of Growing Leaders, a nonprofit leadership training and development organization that equips students to be leaders in their classrooms, communities, and ultimately their careers. Tim helps guide helps the parents, educators, mentors, coaches and employers that lead this generation. Tim has also authored more than 30 books including: Habitudes®: Images that Form Leadership Habits and Attitudes Artificial Maturity: Helping Kids Meet the Challenge of Becoming Authentic Adults Generation iY: Secrets to Connecting With Today’s Teens & Young Adults in the Digital Age as well as his latest book, Marching Off The Map, which will help educators understand Generation Z and how to teach and lead them. To learn more about Tim, his team, and the people he impacts, please visit   Connect with Tim Elmore: Twitter – @TimElmore Facebook –   About Educators Lead: Educators Lead is a podcast