Like A Mother

Making more money instead of spending less with Jean Chatzky



Jean Chatzky is a personal finance journalist, bestselling author of eight books and financial editor for NBC's Today Show. Here we talk about: Focus on earning vs. skimping - especially for women. "Your financial life doesn't work how much you save if you're not bringing in money." "I enjoy earning money, it makes me feel safe, confident and independent." Why she wished her latest book was entitled "Don't Bitch, Get Rich." Her new book, Age Proof about living until 100 without going broke. The incredibly toxic power of financial stress, your physical, emotional health. Why you don't have to be wealthy, but a regular, consistent saver to build a healthy lifestyle and secure future. Women really have much higher stakes when it comes to money: we earn less, live longer, are more likely to be responsible for raising children and caring for older relatives. It doesn't need to take a ton of time to manage your finances in a powerful way. The prevalence of women choosing to not be involved in family finances, havi