Kung Fu Drive-in Podcast

INTERVIEW PART DEUX: Jean-Paul Ly, actor, stuntman, "Jailbreak", "Nightshooters"



My conversation with stuntman, fight coordinator, actor, and filmmaker Jean-Paul Ly continues as we talk about his starring role in the upcoming martial arts comedy film, Nightshooters, scheduled to premiere at the Raindance Film Festival this October 6th and 7th. PART 2 of 2 We discuss, debate and dissect kung fu and martial arts movies past, present, and future! NIGHTSHOOTERS AT RAINDANCE: http://calendar.raindancefestival.org/films/nightshooters JEAN-PAUL'S YOU TUBE PAGE: www.youtube.com/user/jlysora JEAN-PAUL'S FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/JeanPaulLyOfficial/     VISIT THE CASTAWAYS AT: www.uselessdebate.com/castaways SPONSORS: www.tinboxsolutions.com www.wearenotgoodpeople.com   INTRO MUSIC:  URL: http://freemusicarchive.org/music/Leisure-B/Live_In_Space/07_ninja Comments: http://freemusicarchive.org/ Copyright: Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike OUTRO MUSIC: http://youtu.be/5zeRoGFft2s  by Justin H @KingofKungFuAMP