Live Life Aggressively Podcast W/mike Mahler & Sincere Hogan

LLA Show S2E253: Building A Stronger Immune System & Situational Awareness In The Age of Covid



  LLA Show S2E253: Building An Ironclad Immune System & Situational Awareness   Mike & Sincere return to discuss the following: Sincere discusses how situational awareness is even more important in the age of Covid-19 How can you use social distancing as a personal defense tool What exactly will get stimulated by those government stimulus checks Mike talks the latest research regarding chlorine and zinc and their benefits in building the immune system Why does Mike feel like he is living on an episode of M.A.S.H. What is the most optimal place to receive Covid updates, as opposed to others What mental tool can you use daily, in order to better prepare for violence, pandemics, and other unforseen events How may toilet paper hoarding affecting your local water supply Links & Resources: Listen to classic LLA Podcast Premium Episodes for Patreon Subscribers Only. Become a monthly supporter via $5 or more on Patreon: Project Child Save: