Living Life With Lynda Show

Protect Yourself, Legally, with Non-Lethal Force with the F3 Defense System - Michael Mercer - Episode 134



Part 1: Michael Mercer is a retired police officer with over thirty years of crime-prevention experience. He is a nationally certified chemical agent specialist and a national practitioner in crime prevention through environmental design.  Michael is also a US Navy Veteran, a Shriner, a Mason and a Past President of the Maine Association of Police, as well as the inventor and founder of a patent pending product called the F3 Defense System. Because of everything you see and hear on the news, it seems like you can be a victim at any time in any place.  Michael saw the need for the average citizen to protect themselves, legally, with NON-lethal force and is one of the reasons he created this F3 Defense System.  In this episode, we talk about how to avoid becoming a victim of crime and steps you can take if you find yourself in a situation where you feel forced to act to protect yourself. Part 2:  Weekly Words of Wisdom - Lynda talks about receiving a phone call from, what she thought was a company she knew, whi