Brits In The Wood Podcast

47: Zoe Nauman - The Undercover Journalist



  Imagine infiltrating the BNP (British National Party) to crack a news story or going undercover to bring down a celebrity drug ring. This is all in a day’s work for internationally acclaimed journalist Zoe Nauman. Whether it’s breaking world exclusives on Olympic athletes caught in online extortion or dealing with the jilted mistress’ of famous footballers, Zoe, who has written for some of the most respected and high profile publications across the globe is often first to get the scoop on the news we all love to gossip about. In this episode Zoe chats to Caroline Feraday and Claire Bullivant about some of her most nerve-wracking undercover assignments, tracking down Wayne Rooney’s lost hookers through the streets of Liverpool, using the skills she has learned as a journalist to help people who have businesses in the health and well-being industry and her new found passion for all things fitness and lifestyle...   Find out more about Zoe Nauman on these links: https://www.face