Cash Car Convert

CCC048: Worried about Student Loan Debt? Why not Auto Debt?



If you turn on the news on any given day, you have a good chance of hearing about the epidemic of student loan debt. You will hear about a generation losing their ability to borrow for cars, homes, or furnishings. I share the concern over student loan debt, it is a problem. I see a larger problem. A problem which I seem to be one of only a few people to be sounding the alarm. What might I be concerned about you ask? It's auto debt. You may still be asking why. Everyone has auto debt after all. That is mostly true, as most people learn at an early age they will always have auto debt. Turns out that's not quite true. Currently, seven out of ten cars are purchased using debt. Now, you may be wondering how auto debt stacks up to the student loan debt that seems to have everyone so concerned. Let me share some numbers with you. You may be surprised as you find the numbers are closer than you might expect. Facts About Auto Debt and Student Loan Debt Number of Auto Loans > 90M                 Number of Student Loans