Cash Car Convert

CCC053: Budgets, Debts, Savings, and What's Best for the Economy



I'm going to be talking about a few things today. I'm going to speak about a woman who paid off her debt and what her budget looked like before and after paying off the debt. Budgets can be a wonderful tool to tell a story. I'm also going to speak about an article I found comparing 401K saving levels by age and income level. This will be enlightening to many. Lastly, I want to pose a question. How can something be good for the economy and yet be bad for the individual? I hear people television speaking all the time about how great it is that people are taking on more debt. Spending money on cars, clothes, really anything to stimulate the economy. Now, I'm all for pumping up the economy, but if people are spending all their earning and more on things and aren't saving enough for retirement and they aren't, how can it be good for the economy long term? It can't be! The population is aging and fast. In 2012 there were 43.1 million people age 65+. By 2020 that number will be 56M, 2040 it will be 79.1M and by 2060