Hatrick And Ramsay Unleashed

Interview with Ella Glasgow - Author, Singer and Coach



Ella's Bio: Ella Glasgow is a professional vocalist, speaker, and biz & life coach for creatives. She’s also the wife of an amazing pastry chef and mommy to a precocious 5-year-old. Known as The Dream Ignitor, she’s on a mission to pull up on the greatness in people to help them not only uncover their dreams but help them finally know how to make it possible to bring them to life. When her son was born in 2015, she realized that she had been holding back on her own dreams. As she looked into those precious eyes, she knew she didn’t want to one day say to him, “baby, you can do and be whatever you want to, but mommy can’t.” From that point forward, she has been working toward her dreams and working with and encouraging others to do the same. Music by Arron Rigden - Brent Mann and Ella Glasgow       You can connect with Ella Glasgow at the links below. https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0867H57T1 https://www.facebook.com/groups/creativemomentum/ https://onlinebirthdayparties.com/?fbclid=IwAR2q1UTqaN6tknEdmg7MXGGQ