Fourtress Radio

Ep009: Ronnie Teasdale - Aligning With the Natural Elements to Create Your Reality and Your Life



Guest: Ronnie Teasdale @ra_of_earth Host: Brian Costello @bcostello____   Ronnie Teasdale is a Humanology Teacher, Reality Hacker and CoCreator of his reality.  He uses our most basic tolls - light, air, water, earth, and ether to live in optimal health and create his ideal reality.  He shares a lot of his practices and techniques with us today.... Topics: - Sungazing - what, how, and why? - Using light as energy and fuel  - Creator vs Victim mindset - Transdimensional energy during twilight hours  - Understanding all feelings are from within, allowing ourselves to be happy - Manifesting intentions into physical reality (creating your dream life) - Nude sun bathing, urine drinking, and more!