Hold Up

Raiders of the Lost Ark



In 1981, George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg combined their creative juices to bring us the action adventure film that made archeology out to be sexier than it actually is, Raiders of the Lost Ark.  This movie has guns, whips, Nazi’s, history, monkeys, excessive drinking, and fisticuffs all over the world, and impressed audiences and critics alike with it’s style and mixture of intense action, high stakes with lighthearted character interactions.  Made for $18 mil, Raiders made $390 mil at the box office, and believe it or not, Raiders won 5 academy awards.  But does it hold up?  Listen as Jon, Colin and Brent travel the globe with Indy and Marion and try to stay ahead of the occult obsessed Hitler to see if they are worthy of surviving the ark’s opening because of their good hearts and intentions, or if they get their faces melting for thinking criticizing thoughts about this campy but fun classic.