Strength & Speed

Ep 160: Physical Therapist Q&A with Elite Athlete Kelly Williams



Physical Therapist Kelly Williams answers your questions that were posted to the Strength & Speed Facebook page on dealing with injury.  Kelly also recently raced both HYROX and DekaFit doing well in both.  After the Q&A portion, Evan and Kelly talk Tougher Mudder Missouri, where they both finished 2nd in their gender.  Plus, Evan shares what he does in his free time when not trying to hurt himself doing endurance sports.    MudGear commercial now live: Bobby's fight scene between Evan/Reign and Colt/Bang is now live (starts at 5:20 in):   Episode brought to you by XOSKIN, use code Strength20 for 20% off their socks, compression or XOUNDERWEAR. Music provided by Dino Sinos