
Episode 31



Simon, Shane and Nathan talk about the post-Tour blues, how they’re coping and how Zwift has leapt into the vacuum with a big announcement. But before they get to the launch of the Zwift Men’s Academy, the chaps discuss the arrival of Mark Cavendish on the platform. . . with a little help from Cav’s team-mate, Steve Cummings and his Directeur Sportif, Roger Hammond. The big news, though, is the Men’s Academy in partnership with Cav’s team, Dimension Data. Team owner Doug Ryder tells Simon why the decision to get involved was a no-brainer and describes his excitement at the benefit both to the team’s adopted charity, Qhubeka, and the potential to find a hidden gem of a new rider. Roger Hammond is equally excited and tells Simon how Zwift may help modernise recruitment to the pro peloton. There are important differences from the Women’s Academy scheme and the Zwiftcasters discuss what they are, why they might have been made and what is their likely impact. Zwiftcast resident Coach Kev Poulton discusses th