Conversations Live With Vicki St. Clair

Conversations Live With Vicki St Clair 12 - 10 - 18 John De Graaf



DEC 10: Filmmaker John de Graaf “John de Graaf is one of the good guys in our world, always right there with the next important, life-affirming idea,� says The Giraffe Project's Ann Medlock. Beginning in the late 70's, John embarked on an award-winning documentary film career that continues to this day. Today, we'll delve deep into his process, discovering how he chooses projects, lessons he has learned along the way, and how he has navigated his own creative path while still making a difference in people's lives. Find out what the biggest turning points in his career were, which films impacted him the most, and the best – and worst – career advice he has ever been given. “I'm an author, filmmaker, speaker, and activist with a mission to help create a happy, healthy, and sustainable quality of life for America,� reads John's mission statement. With over 40 documentaries and countless shorter films to his credit, he has received over 100 regional, national, and international awards for filmma