Saints Peter And Paul Sermons

Rubble Restoration: Nehemiah 8-12



In Nehemiah 8-12, the characters of our Story of "Rubble Restoration" UNITE. Ezra & Nehemiah join forces to tell "The Story" of God's activity in the lives of His people. But when the people hear it - they weep! Why? Because the "stories" they have been living have been devoid of God. They are confronted with their own guilt & shame for living their stories apart from God. However, they don't remain in this state. Through the teaching of Ezra & Nehemiah - the people's weeping turns to joy. God's Story does not leave the people forlorn and forsaken - but forgiven & RESTORED. In this sermon, Pastor Kevin challenges the hearers to consider their own "stories." How do you see yourself in your "story"; in your life? Are you the main character? Or is God? When we find ourselves placed into the larger story God has for us - we fill find our own brokenness, failures, and weeping turned into purpose, identity, and joy.