Folger Shakespeare Library: Shakespeare Unlimited

Shakespeare in Translation



"Bless thee, Bottom, bless thee! Thou art translated!" (A Midsummer Night's Dream, 3.1.120-121) What happens when Shakespeare’s work is translated into foreign languages? Is it still Shakespeare? Or does something fundamental to the original evaporate in the process? Scholars and theater artists, with Rebecca Sheir, host of our Shakespeare Unlimited series, look at what constitutes the essence of Shakespeare. A translator can retain the story, characters, and ideas of a play, but the intricate wordplay proves much more difficult. For one thing, it’s impossible to translate Shakespeare’s iambic pentameter into a language like Korean, in which poetry is based on syllable counts, not stresses. And what is to be done with those well-crafted puns? However, translation also opens up possibilities for new depths of meaning, as the familiar recedes and a different perspective takes over. Among those featured in this podcast: - Joe Calarco is the adaptor and original director of Shakespeare’s R&J. - Rupert Chan i