Soma Spokane Sermons

06 | Blessed are the Pure in Heart



Since the moment the Garden of Eden was closed off, mankind has longed to see God face to face. But because of our sin, even Moses was told "no one can look upon the face of God and live." Now Jesus is proclaiming that we can see the face of God - but only if we're "pure in heart"... and immediately everyone within hearing distance is dismayed, because we all know our hearts aren't pure. He is introducing an idea that he will build on later in the Sermon on the Mount - that no matter how righteous our actions, our impure hearts mean separation from God, and the only way to be reunited with God face to face is through a purity which comes from outside of ourselves and transforms us from the inside out. It is exactly when we realize we can't create a pure heart on our own that we become the "blessed" that Jesus speaks of.