Energy Awareness Hosted By T Love

The Fix Yourself Handbook



Self-care and emotional health are more important than ever. In the face of unprecedented uncertainty, it is easy to become overwhelmed by fear and anxiety. What can we do right now, as individuals, to begin a journey toward a brighter future? The Fix Yourself Handbook from clinical therapist Faust Ruggiero presents a step-by-step program he calls the Process Way of Life, which aims to help readers achieve physical, intellectual, emotional, and spiritual balance. Ruggiero has used the Process Way of Life successfully for more, than 20 years and has helped thousands of clients to live lives that are happy, healthy, and productive. By understanding and learning to live according to the Process Way of Life, readers can become active players in their lives, and transform anger to love, and sadness to joy. The result is a  much happier, healthier, more productive life. FAUST A. RUGGIERO’s professional career spans almost 40 years, and is diversifi ed and compelling, as it has consistently established new and ex