Leigh Martinuzzi

913 Simon Drew - Find Your Game, Self-Alignment & Stoicism



Finding Your Game Searching for more meaning. Seeking more purpose. Self-discovery is a big part of the journey and finding your game in life. A wonderful conversation with Simon as we together explore how to can become more self-aligned in efforts to seek greater meaning and joy in life. Using Stoic philosophy we can aim for more virtue every day and with that aim in practice perhaps we can become a better human and live more fully into success as we define it. Guest bio. Simon Drew is an Australian podcast host, musician and alignment coach. As a coach, he helps his clients to clearly define the person they want to be and the life they want to live, and then he helps them to use their natural tools of problem-solving to move closer into alignment with their own self-defined ideal. His show, the Practical Stoic Podcast, has helped thousands of philosophically minded people around the world to improve their lives using ideas found in the ancient Greaco-Roman philosophy of Stoicism. All and all Simon is deep