Leigh Martinuzzi

938 William Stephens - Writing Stoicism & Happiness



Writing Stoicism & Happiness My interview with Philosophy Professor William O. Stephens. Discuss sabbaticals, writing process, purpose, stoicism and happiness. Enjoy! Guest Bio. William O. Stephens is Professor of Philosophy at Creighton University. His four books are Marcus Aurelius: A Guide for the Perplexed (Continuum 2012), Stoic Ethics: Epictetus and Happiness as Freedom (Continuum 2007), The Person: Readings in Human Nature (Prentice Hall 2006), and The Ethics of the Stoic Epictetus, an English translation of Adolf Bonhöffer’s 1894 classic (Peter Lang 1996). His dozens of articles and book chapters on Stoicism include the topics of food, farming, refugees, love, death, animals, sportsmanship, travel, habit, ecology, the Star Wars films, and the film Gladiator (2000). He has also published on friendship, ethics and animals, and philosophical vegetarianism. His current book projects are Epictetus’ Enchiridion: A New Translation and Guide to Stoic Ethics (Bloomsbury) and Stoic Lessons in Liberation: