Leigh Martinuzzi

974 Dr Vincent Pedre - Happy Gut!



Happy Gut! Following the success of the bestselling Clean Gut and Wheat Belly comes this essential guide to improving digestive health from an expert in functional medicine, Dr Vincent Pedre. In this interview, he reveals why everything that ails us, from fatigue to weight gain to bloating and bad skin, can be traced back to the gut and shares his cleansing plan to help us reclaim our health. A glimpse into something perhaps we should all look into a bit deeper. Guest Bio. Dr. Vincent M. Pedre is the Medical Director of Pedre Integrative Health and Founder of Dr. Pedre Wellness, Medical Advisor to two health-tech start-ups, MBODY360 and Fullscript, Chief Medical Officer for United Naturals, and a Functional Medicine-Certified Practitioner in private practice in New York City since 2004. He is also certified in yoga and Medical Acupuncture. In 2017, he joined Orthomolecular as the chief Clinical Expert in the Pillars of GI Health Program. And in 2018, he joined the faculty for the Institute for Functional Me