Leigh Martinuzzi

978 Lisa Cron - Story or Die



Story or Die Whether you’re pitching a product, saving the planet, or convincing your kids not to text and drive, story isn’t just one way to persuade. It’s the way. It’s built into the architecture of the brain, and has been since early humans gathered around the camp fire, trying to figure out how to outsmart the lion next door. This is a fascinating conversation with Lisa Cron discussing the topic of her book story. Guest Bio. "Lisa Cron is a story coach, speaker, and the author of Wired for Story, Story Genius, and Story or Die: How to Use Brain Science to Engage, Persuade and Change Minds in Business and in Life. She has previously worked as a literary agent, a television producer, and a story consultant for Warner Brothers and The William Morris Agency, among others, and currently advises writers, nonprofits, educators, and journalists on the art and craft of story. She has also served on the faculty of the School of Visual Arts MFA program in visual narrative and, since 2006, has taught in the UCLA E