Hsk Student Pod

HSK Student Pod - Episode 5



HSK student pod was created for all students in the School of Health and Social Work. This is a podcast series which covers a range of topics including keeping you up to date on what is going on in the school, useful tips and advice for getting ahead with your studies, and some special interest items with guest speakers. What’s in Episode 5? Julie Vuolo, HSK Associate Dean, gives some general news & updates about the school –student union representative of the month, student shortlist for Vice-Chancellor’s Awards 2019, HSK Dean’s Awards 2019. Student spotlight: Rebecca Morris a third year Adult Nursing student, shares with us her exciting elective experience in Spain. Student spotlight: Jolyon Price a first year Paramedic student, shares with us a message related to his experience in practice and also preparation for practice. Jolyon shares his experience of working with real people, and how he feels it’s different to working in simulation environments. This month's profession spotlight: Eunice Sirkett