Well Said

A homecoming at Commencement



As the CEO of Habitat for Humanity International, Carolina alumnus Jonathan Reckford knows a thing or two about the value of home. “When you think about the idea of home, it’s really a foundation and a launching pad for the kind of lives we want everyone to have the opportunity to have," said Reckford, who graduated from Carolina in 1984 with a degree in political science. The Chapel Hill native will return home on Sunday to deliver Carolina’s Commencement address, in which he will challenge the Class of 2019 to aspire toward bigger ambitions. “I think sometimes we settle to lightly for either material things or for short-term happiness against that deep reward of finding real joy that comes from deep relationships and losing yourself in a purpose bigger than yourself,” he said. On this week’s episode, Reckford will share the experiences he had at Carolina that served as a launching pad for his career of serving others.